Monday, April 23, 2012

Geeky Update

Very good stuff in the last couple of weeks since my last post.  At that time, I had lost a total of 29 pounds.  Since then, I have dropped another 14.6 pounds for a grand total of 43.6 pounds in 8 weeks putting me at 243.6 pounds this morning.  Pretty darn pleased with that!

I have maintained my "eat healthy" lifestyle that, quite frankly, is quite liberating and is becoming easier to follow.  The liberating part is that I am not on some funky diet where I have to mold my food choices to match - I can each (almost) anything I want while adhering to some basic guidelines.  And if I have an indulgence - well - instead of eating a BOX of cookies, I can have 1.  Anyway - I've beaten this to death in prior posts, so I'll move on.

I have also continued with the Fastcamp mentioned in prior posts from Endurance Nation.  That has no doubt had a positive influence on my weight loss as well.  Last week I actually set a new "high" for calories burned in a week at 11,202!  That's a ton of calories to burn and I am feeling great about it.

Now - enough of the basic update.  Now for the 'geeky' stuff.  I did some calculations on weight and % body fat to try to figure out where my goal weight should be.  Now keep in mind that our scale I use has those metal plates that runs a current through me to calculate the % body fat.  This is no doubt not that accurate - but interesting to look at week to week nonetheless.

I started at 287 lbs – today was 243.4 lbs = 43.6 lbs lost total so far

I tested % body fat at the beginning of week 2 when I weighed 276.2 lbs and it read 42.9%.  That equates to 118.49 lbs of body fat.

Today when weighing 243.4 lbs, I was at 33.1% body fat.  That equates to 80.57 lbs of body fat.

Subtracting 276.2 lbs – 243.4 lbs = 32.8 lbs total lost since tracking % body fat.

Subtracting 118.49 lbs fat – 80.57 lbs fat = 37.92 lbs of fat lost.

So….  I have lost a TOTAL of 32.8 lbs since I started tracking % body fat.  BUT – I have lost 37.92 lbs of fat.  And gained 5.12 lbs of muscle (or something) during this time.  I like the idea that it is muscle, so I'll stick with that.

Taking that a little further, let’s say I get down to 11% body fat.  Given that I have 80.57 lbs of fat now, if I lost another 60 lbs of fat (leaving 20 lbs), that would put me at 183.4 lbs.  So... that's what I am shooting for.

Anyway - again - pretty happy with what I am doing and feeling like I will definitely be ready for Augusta this September.  I think Kansas this June won't be too bad either.  But I have a lot more training to do for long rides and long runs.  I did my 1st long ride of the season this past weekend (3 hrs/46 miles) and felt it the rest of the day.  Definitely need to improve my endurance.  And I have not done any run longer than 6 miles so far this season - that'll need to change as well.  But... I still have time.

Guess that is all for now.  Here's hoping you have a great week!

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